by hanr | Nov 29, 2018 | Uncategorized
The Victorian Maths Challenge website now has information to help schools run family maths events. Head to Family Maths Events to learn how these school community events can bring students, families and teachers together to have fun with these challenges. I’m...
by hanr | Nov 8, 2016 | Blogposts
Students from the Lake Primary School recently invited their families to participate in a Victorian Maths Challenge morning tea. Cakes, towers and planes – what could be better? There was a great deal of productive activity as small teams set about creating towers of...
by hanr | Oct 25, 2016 | Blogposts
The Challenge has now officially launched and will be running until 29 November. There are lots of exciting real-world maths challenges for you to take on and share your mathematical discoveries. Complete as many challenges as you can with your family and friends and...