The Challenge has now officially launched and will be running until 29 November.pmps-eureka-sky-high

There are lots of exciting real-world maths challenges for you to take on and share your mathematical discoveries. Complete as many challenges as you can with your family and friends and submit your work to share your ideas. If you need any help don’t forget to read our problem solving strategies here.

To kick off the Challenge, kids across Victoria, from Port Melbourne Primary School to Mildura West Primary School, have taken on the Challenge.

Using only paper and tape, kids, their teachers and their families built towers taller than many adults! They used their mathematical knowledge and made a list of all the maths they needed to consider when planning and building their tower. They talked about mathematical and engineering concepts such as balance, height, angles, force, gravity, tilt, stability, volume, mass, area and perimeter. They thought about what kinds of shapes they could use and each group used different 3D shapes. One group even drew their own nets to make cubes from scratch! They also made other shapes, rectangles and triangles prisms and cylinders. Check out the Eureka challenge here!

pmps-eureka-girlsHave a look at their designs in the Gallery and see if you can use some of their mathematical ideas to build your own towers! Three of the tallest towers measured 264cm, 284cm and 286cm. Well done to these kids for starting off the Challenge with a bang!pmps-eureka-reaches-roof

Which challenge will you start with?

Make sure you submit your photos so we can share your successes and experiments too!